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Kerala Wild Forest Honey
Ishavasyam brings you the finest raw, unheated and unprocessed forest honey. Filtered with just a piece of sterile muslin cloth, this wild honey comes from the nectar of wildflowers & wild trees from forests of Kerala. Get the best taste procured naturally to ensure a healthier you!
ईशावस्यम पेश करते है केरल के गहरे जंगल से निकाला हुआ बेहतरीन, प्राकृतिक, बिना गर्म किया हुआ शहद। बेहद स्वच्छ परिस्थितियों में मलमल के कपड़े के एक टुकड़े से फ़िल्टर्ड, यह शहद केरल के जंगलों से आने वाले वन्यजीवों और जंगली पेड़ों के अमृत से आता है। एक स्वस्थ सुनिश्चित करने के लिए स्वाभाविक रूप से सबसे अच्छा स्वाद प्राप्त करें!
>Helps cure coughs, respiratory infection and treating allergies
खांसी, श्वसन संक्रमण और एलर्जी के इलाज में मदद करता है!
>Strengthens immunity due to its rich nature
अपनी समृद्ध प्रकृति के कारण प्रतिरक्षा को मजबूत करता है!
>Treats acne, abrasions, bed sores and infections
मुँहासे, घर्षण, बिस्तर घावों और संक्रमण का इलाज करता है!
>Raw taste makes for a healthier addition to your meals
अपनाएँ इस स्वास्थ्यवर्धक को अपने दैनिक भोजन के सँघ।
Net Quantity: 450 gms
Why Kerala Wild Forest Honey?
Antibacterial properties It is antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral as well.
It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2, B3, B5 and B6.Rich in vitamins
Rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. Strengthens immunity
Straight from nature: no pollution, no pesticides, no fertilizers. Naturally procured
Vedic Implementing ancient Indian, natural honey-collecting methods.
Helps cure coughs, respiratory infection and treating allergies. Medicinal
It also helps prevent indigestion problems. Digestive health
Treats acne, abrasions, bed sores and infections. Promotes skin health
Fresh from the wild forests of Kerala, with ‘Wild Forest Honey’ Ishavasyam brings you the finest raw, unheated and unprocessed forest honey. Filtered with just a piece of muslin cloth under extremely hygienic conditions, this wild honey comes from the nectar of wildflowers & wild trees from forests of Kerala.
• Our wild bees collect divine nectar from medicinal, ayurvedic and herbal plants and trees, situated deep inside wild forest.
• They go where no mobile towers, no human intervention, no pollution, no pesticides, no fertilizers – go.
• And while the bees naturally procure and convert the hidden treasures from these deep forests, we naturally extract the honey directly from the beehives.
• We implement non-violent extraction processes, ensuring that the life of our bees are protected.
• While the taste and composition of this naturally procured Wild Forest Honey is said to change with the seasons, what doesn’t change is the endless list of benefits it contains.
The traditional way of preparing honey makes way for benefits that are going to ensure a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.
• We don’t pasteurize heat or process the honey. As a result, the honey retains all its beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and enzymes.
• Kerala Wild Honey has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties as well. this means that the consumption of this honey promotes digestive health, fights indigestion, strengthens the immune system
• It protects the body from conditions like heart disease and cancer.
• It is scientifically proven that honey helps those suffering from an upper respiratory infection. During allergy season, a few teaspoons of raw honey couple of times a day prevents the allergy symptoms and helps in treating the allergies.
• Wild honey has antibacterial properties, and hence it acts as a good healing agent. It treats wounds from abrasions, surgery, bed sores, infections and ulcers. It helps curing sunburns as well.
• Wild honey is an antiseptic too and prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms.
• Wild honey is really good for your skin. From treating acne to preventing premature ageing, honey is very beneficial.